Well, we had our first dressage comp at a closed day here in Rotorua a couple of weeks back, and i was really happy with the horse, definately glad i went as a practice for the real thing, as she was very wary of the arenas at first. She did a nice tidy test for a score of 74%.
Next we had the first day of our Autumn series, again she went very nicely for two seconds with scores of 70% and 77%. So overall i was very happy with the way she went, and how she is coming along. And "bonus" i could leave her in the yard, and she only ate 1 rail this time lol.
The day after the show, Hielke came up for a couple of days from the South Island to do some lessons and wean her foal. She bought with her a dvd called Enjoying dressage with Richard Davison, which we watched the night she got here. Totally great. It has some great ideas and hints on several things i need to work on, which i tried the following day in my lesson, one being riding trot, standing straight up, which i couldnot do without holding onto the horses mane, and heck my calf muscles are feeling it today, lol. Have attached a short video of part of the lesson i had on my horse yesterday being the 7th April. She commented on how the horse had put on alot of weight, which is good to hear, as that has being rather a struggle.
So, here is the link to the video i uploaded onto Youtube
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kBJjIQh6EIgAm totally looking forward to the second part of our series which is approx 3 weeks away.